Spotlight: Hero Bands - Safe Bands

Hey all,

This post is gonna be somewhat different from usual. Normally, I share resources or testimonies I've learned/heard and want my readers to know about. However, recently, a company close to my heart has been struggling: Hero Bands.

I've talked about Hero Bands in-depth in one of my previous posts, so it's no secret that the company Elizabeth runs and her mission is important to me, but the reason I'm bringing it up again is a result of the message I've received with my last two orders of Safe Bands, one in May and the message I received today. Each email started with,

"Thank you for purchasing some of our Safe Bands! Last month was a slower month for Safe Bands so we decided to keep the word the same."

Sadly, in the process of writing this post, Elizabeth informed me that for the whole month of June 2022, only NINE Safe Bands were purchased -- not nine orders, nine bands. Remember, these bands are given to children who have been extracted from sex trafficking as a way of saying "I know you've been through hell, worse than most of us can even begin to imagine, but someone sees you and cares about you. You are important and someone wanted to give you this band to show you that and remind you of it." In many cases, it's the only personal possession the child owns! To us, it's a piece of leather. To them, it could be a physical representation of hope for the first time in their lives.

Please, PLEASE consider supporting these children and their recovery from a life of trafficking by purchasing some Safe Bands. These are made at Elizabeth's cost, meaning she makes no profit on Safe Bands. The full cost goes to the materials to make the bands.

Elizabeth takes a photo of each Safe Band and sends it to you so you can see it before they are given to the children. Here are some of the bands I've ordered in the past and the words these children are reminded of. These words change lives:


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