Real Talk: Human Trafficking Prevention Month / OnWatch Training

Hey all, Last week, I was approached by a radio show in Wisconsin to be a guest on their show to talk about my efforts to fight human trafficking for Human Trafficking Prevention Month. My first emotion was elation -- a massive platform to share about how we can fight human trafficking and the incredulity that a large, public platform actually WANTED to have that discussion! I admit, I got excited. Then, I felt embarrassed. I know that one of the questions they'll ask is, "How can anyone listening get involved?" and my mind went to a million thoughts, then I realized the most obvious action that even I had not yet completed: take the OnWatch Training , created by the Malouf Foundation and the Safe House Project , to know how to spot, report, and prevent human trafficking. I first heard about the training over three years ago on the podcast "Consider Before Consuming," I knew it was a FREE training course that took about an hour, and I knew it was designed ...