Real Talk: Human Trafficking Prevention Month / OnWatch Training

Hey all,

Last week, I was approached by a radio show in Wisconsin to be a guest on their show to talk about my efforts to fight human trafficking for Human Trafficking Prevention Month. My first emotion was elation -- a massive platform to share about how we can fight human trafficking and the incredulity that a large, public platform actually WANTED to have that discussion! I admit, I got excited.

Then, I felt embarrassed.

I know that one of the questions they'll ask is, "How can anyone listening get involved?" and my mind went to a million thoughts, then I realized the most obvious action that even I had not yet completed: take the OnWatch Training, created by the Malouf Foundation and the Safe House Project, to know how to spot, report, and prevent human trafficking.

I first heard about the training over three years ago on the podcast "Consider Before Consuming," I knew it was a FREE training course that took about an hour, and I knew it was designed using real stories by survivor-warriors. Why would I not take the training? My admittedly feeble answer: I forgot. In the busyness of life and in my pursuit of researching various organizations and being active in the fight, I forgot about this incredible resource that was presented on a silver platter, both for me and for me to share with anyone who looks through my blog or social media.

So now I apologize, for not completing the training sooner and for not sharing it on my platforms more. I am thankful to the Malouf Foundation and Safe House Project for taking the time to develop this excellent training course and making it so readily available for free and simple to complete. And I can now officially say that I have completed the OnWatch training. Also, I wanted to show that it took me just over one hour to complete, so there really is no excuse for me to have taken this long to get to take it.

I hope you'll accept my apology and take the training, yourself, if you haven't already done so. I cannot recommend it enough and it is so crucial in this fight to end human trafficking, possibly even before it starts in someone's life.


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